Tech Stack Overview

Below is a quick overview of the frameworks and languages I know and have used across various projects

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Jutta Zilha's Website

Languages - HTML / JS / CSS / React

This was my first Freelance Front-End project. I used this project to learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JS as well as React.

The design process stretched over a period of 6 months. The client and I settled on an Agile design process, meeting often to iterate on the conceptual design. After which I started the implementation process, continuing an Agile interaction with the client until the product reached the clients expectations.

5 December 2022

UoY Esports/Fragsoc Discord Bot

Languages - Python / AWS / Docker / Postgres

During my 3 years at University I was an active member of the Esports and Gaming society, primarily in the Esports sector. Once I became a committee member I was faced with issues due to the lack of any automation. Because of this I took on the existing Discord bot and contributed to the project to get a production-ready bot that is still in use today.

Later after the release of Discord's slash-commands, I rewrote the bot from scratch to implement the new protocols as well as rework much of the logic to result in a much more consistent bot.

6 February 2022


Languages - Python / PyPI / Playwright

TikTok's official API is extremely limited and thus did not allow the accessing of videos while not logged in. Due to this I created a simple python package using Playwright to access TikTok and download a post's media content and metadata. While debugging I encountered multiple captchas, which get solved automatically using openCV and some basic image processing techniques included in openCV.

This was also my first successful attempt at deploying a python package to PyPI.

27 May 2023


Languages - Python / Playwright

Similar to my other project, TikTokDL, InstagramDL allows someone to download an Instagram post and the metadata without needing to login. This project makes use of capturing the HTTP requests that are sent to intercept the video for a given link.

18 June 2023

Personal Website

Languages - JavaScript / CSS / Svelte

After learning the basics of Front-End development and experimenting with different frameworks such as NextJS, Svelte and also basic HTML/JS/CSS.

Being my own client, the biggest challenge to building the site was finding a design that looked good and was efficient that I liked. Once I found a design I liked, I decided to use SvelteKit and the StaticAdapter preprocessor to generate a static site that can be hosted on github pages. This resulted in the current site that is being displayed as my site.

4 October 2023

Contact Me

If you liked any of my projects, are interested in any of them or want to ask about a potential project, feel free to get into contact with me by any of the methods below: